Thursday, March 20, 2014

Scripture Power Kids Week Three


1 Nephi 6

Reading: Read verses 1-6

Discuss: What is Nephi's purpose in writing the scriptures? How did he choose what to write and what to leave out?

Activity: Get two paper bags or containers and label one "pleasing to God" and the other "pleasing to the world". Have children pick printed pictures or word strips out of a bag and decide if what is written or drawn on the paper is of the world or of God.

Closing: Testify that the Lord can help us discern in our lives what is of  God and what is not, and that through the spirit we can know how to come unto Christ ourselves and help others come as well.

Invite: To think of one thing in your life to do that will help you better come to Chris


1 Nephi 7

Reading: Read verse 1-12

Discuss: Why did Nephi's brothers and others rebel? What could have helped them remember the things they had already learned?

Activity: Have a tray with various toys and objects scattered all over it. Show them the try and then cover it up. Ask them if they remember anything on the tray. Ask them what would help them remember? Show them the objects again, talk about them, figure out ways to remember. Cover them again and see if they remember more. Remind them it is easy to forget things, even our blessings and things we've learned from the Lord. Think about ways to remember your blessings.

Closing: Testify the importance of remembering our blessings and Heavenly Father's hand in our life, and how remembering those blessings helps us to stay close to Him.

Invite: Invite them to think of away they can remember there blessings. Brainstorm some blessing that they have now with them.


1 Nephi 7

Reading: Read verses 13-18

Discuss: How were they going to get the promise land? What was going to happen to Jerusalem? Why?What did Nephi ask the Lord when he was bound? What are some things that can be "binding" or difficult for you in your life? How can you over come them?

Activity: Talk about things that bind. Ask for a volunteer to be "bound." Take some yarn and slowly wrap it around their wrists talking about things that bind. Then talk about things that unbind and use the scissors to cut the yarn one by one until the volunteer is free. Give others a turn if they want.

Closing: Testify that faith can keep us free from things that bind and God can give us strength to be free.

Invite: Invite to pray for strength for something they may be having a hard time with in the week.


1 Nephi 7

Reading: Read verse 19-22

Discuss: What do you think helped Nephi forgive so easily? How can you forgive?

Activity: Make up scenarios where forgiveness is needed and write them down and put them in a  bag. Have a child draw one out. Role play the scenarios with them, first the "wrong way" then the "forgiving way."

Closing: Testify the power of forgiving others and receiving forgiveness from Christ

Invite: To be more forgiving this week when someone makes them mad or does something wrong.


1 Nephi 8

Reading: Read verses 1-8

Discuss: How do you think Lehi felt after traveling in darkness for so long? How do you feel when things feel dark and unknown? What did Lehi do to feel the Lord's mercy? What are some "tender mercies" in your life?

Activity: Talk about Tender Mercies and read this quote:
"Through personal study, observation, pondering, and prayer, I believe I have come to better understand that the Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly, the Lord suits “his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men” Link to talk here.

Talk about what tender mercies you've seen in your life and have children write or draw pictures of what they've seen in their life. Share them with each other.

Closing: Testify of the Lord's tender mercies

Invite: To pray like Lehi and open their eyes to see the tender mercies all throughout the day!


1 Nephi 8

Reading: Read verses 9-16

Discuss: How did Lehi feel after partaking of the fruit? What did he do next? What do you think the friut represents? How can we relate the story to our lives? What can we do do share God's love?

Activity: Have a yummy snack or treat to share for all. Have them take a bite and see if they like it. If they like it ask would they want to share? Talk about God's love for us and how when we feel it it can help us want to share with others.

Closing: Testify of God's love and the sweetness of it. Testify He wants us to share it.

Invite: Think of a way to share God's love with others and then do it this week!

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