Monday, March 10, 2014

Scripture Power Kids Week One


1 Nephi 1
Reading: Read verses 1-3 together

Discuss: Talk about Nephi. What was he writing? What is a "record"? What did he know was true? He was writing his testimony. What is a testimony? Can you say testimony?

Activity: Make a "record" for each child using note cards stapled together with a construction paper covering. Have your children write their name and something they know is true. Younger ones can draw a picture, older ones write a small word or sentence, and older ones can actually write their testimony.

Closing: Share with everyone their "record." Share your own testimony that you know the Book of Mormon is true.

Invite: Invite children to pray for themselves to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon


1 Nephi 1
Reading: Read verses 4-15 together

Discuss: Discuss each verse with the activity. Go through each part of the verses and ask questions: what did Lehi see? What does that mean? Why do you think he saw that?

Activity: Give each child a paper and some crayons, and as you go through each part of Lehi’s vision, tell them to draw what you think that looked like. Older kids can write about how they would feel, and younger can color a pre made picture of Lehi’s vision or you can draw it as you show it to them.

Closing: Talk about how even though we might not see visions we can receive inspiration from Heavenly Father in our daily life to help us with daily things. Share testimony.

Invite: Invite them to pray to have Heavenly Father’s guidance throughout the day.


1 Nephi 1
Reading: Read the rest of the chapter together

Discuss: What did Lehi tell the people about? Why? Why do you think they didn’t listen? Why don’t we want to listen sometime? What can help us listen when we don’t want to or don’t like what we’re hearing?

Activity: Play "The Prophet Says" also known as "Simon says." Show them a picture of prophets today and tell them the prophet still teaches us today, sometimes people get angry, but we still need to listen, and Heavenly Father can help us if we feel angry or like we don’t want to listen. Practice acting out things like "The Prophet says read your scriptures" and then they pretend to read their scriptures.

Closing: Testify that prophets speak for God and the spirit can help us know that, even when sometimes the things they say may be hard to hear.

Invite: Invite them to think of one way they can follow the prophet better and do it.


1 Nephi 2
Reading: Read verses 1-7

Discuss: Why did Lehi leave? What things did he leave behind? What would you leave behind for the Lord? How did Lehi feel when they got to the wilderness? How can we show gratitude when we are in the wilderness or hard times in life?

Activity: Role play! Act out Lehi sleeping, then hearing the Lord speak. Then get up and "pack a bag" with a snack and blankets for a tent. Pretend to travel in the wilderness (walk around the house) and finally build a tent (out of blankets and chairs). Then sit in the tent and talk about what you are grateful for.

Closing: Testify of having gratitude in all situations and how it will make us happier and close to the Lord.

Invite: Invite them to be extra thankful in their prayers.


1 Nephi 2
Reading: Read verses 8-14

Discuss: What is murmuring? Why is it called that? What do you sometimes murmur about? How do you feel when you murmur? Why did Lamen and Lamuel murmur?

Activity: Make two faces, one happy and one sad, and mount them on two paper cups. Then print out/cut out pictures of situations: someone saying thank you, someone looking grumpy, someone saying kind words, someone saying no in a rude way (these can be pictures and/or phrases depending on the age of the kids). Have the children take turns drawing a picture and then putting it in the happy face or the "murmuring face."

Closing: Testify that if we feel like murmuring the spirit can help us over come and do what we need to do. Testify not murmuring and being grateful makes us happy.

Invite: Invite them to strive not to murmur that day and be extra kind and grateful to everyone around them.


1 Nephi 2
Reading: Read the rest of the chapter

Discuss: What is a soft heart? What is a hard heart? What did Nephi do to have a soft heart? How did that help him? What can we do when we have a hard heart.

Activity: Give the children each some rocks to play with. Tell them to try and shape them into a heart. Then give them play dough to play with and have them shape that into a heart.

Closing: Testify that when our hearts our soft the Lord can guide us just like it was a lot easier to use the play dough. Testify that like Nephi, we can pray and have the Lord soften our hearts when we have a hard time with something.

Invite: To pray for a soft heart


1 Nephi 3
Reading: Read verses 1-8

Discuss: What were Nephi and his brothers supposed to do? How did Lamen and Lemuel respond? How did Nephi respond?

Activity: Learn the song "I will go I will do"

Closing: Testify that the Lord DOES always provide a way!

Invite: To pray to know the Lord’s will and do!

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